Spotlight on Volunteer Alison Roth

| Senior Solutions News

When Alison Roth of Perkinsville heard about the Senior Solutions Home Visitor Program, she wanted to volunteer.  Alison, who is 69, learned of the program from a friend who has served as a volunteer with the organization for almost four years. Alison has a library degree and worked with academic libraries throughout her career.  She also has a history degree,  and volunteers with the Weathersfield Historical Society.

Patti Crimmin-Greenan, who runs the agency’s Errands program, arranged for Alison to assist a 96-year-old woman with grocery shopping. Every other week, the woman gives Alison a shopping list of items she needs from Market Basket. “I actually like to grocery shop so that works out well,” says Alison. In the process of their ongoing interaction, Alison and the woman have become friends. “We’ve gone out to lunch several times, and we both enjoyed it. She is fun to talk with, and has a fierce grip on life. She’s someone I would like to be like when I grow older.”

Alison also visits a couple once a week through the agency’s Friendly Visitor and Errands programs. In addition to visiting with the couple, she occasionally gives them rides so they can do errands or take their dog to the vet. Sometimes they go out to lunch. On other occasions, they just have a cup of tea and talk. The gentleman listens to a lot of books on tape which he gets though the Library of Congress program and loves to discuss what he is reading. He also walks on the treadmill and lifts weights every day. Alison is inspired by the couple’s positive outlook on life.

“I find volunteering in this program very worthwhile. I enjoy and learn from the people I visit with and get a lot out of the relationships.”

Learn more about our visitors programs or how to volunteer.