Veteran Care

Vet to Vet Volunteer Services

This program provides senior veterans a way to connect, provide companionship, and support to fellow veterans through our Vet to Vet Vermont program in partnership with the American Legion Brattleboro Post 5. Veterans have unique experiences and needs, and sometimes only a fellow vet will be able to understand you. We work to connect veterans together to provide the support and understanding you need. Please contact our volunteer coordinator to learn more about this program.

Veteran Monthly Meals

On the second Monday of each month, Senior Solutions sponsors a Veteran’s Lunch at the American Legion in Brattleboro. All veterans, regardless of age, are invited to join for a free meal. The public is also invited to this event. Lunch is served at noon.

Veteran Directed Care Program (VDC)

Senior Solutions provides case management for the  Veteran Directed Care Program, a VA Program and an alternative to receiving care in a nursing facility. It allows veterans who require help with activities of daily living—for example, bathing and dressing, medication, and financial management—to receive services and support in their home. To enhance the veteran’s independence, quality of life, and ability to age at home, VDC can provide day supervision, assistive technology, homemaking, environmental supports, and other services tailored to the individual. 

The program enables veterans to direct their own care or appoint a surrogate, to hire private caregivers, and manage a personal budget. A Care Advisor from Senior Solutions will help identify personal goals and develop a person-centered care plan. Contact the HelpLine for more information

Veterans Administration (VA) Medical & Regional Office
215 North Main Street
White River Jct. , VT 05009
(802) 295-9363

Brattleboro VA Clinic
71 GSP Drive
Brattleboro, VT 05301
(802) 251-2200

The VA has extensive online resources for elder veterans and caregivers of veterans at:

Vision Aware:  Information for Veterans Coping with Vision Loss.