“Mountain Town Meals” available every week in Greater Londonderry Area

| Senior Solutions News

For many seniors, social isolation can be reduced through friendly, nutritious congregate meals with others, but when you live in a small town, it is often hard for providers to set up meals more than once a month. To solve this problem, Senior Solutions, Neighborhood Connections, and a number of partners in the greater Londonderry area have come together to offer weekly meals in that area!  Beginning in June, seniors will have opportunities for free, delicious meals in Bondville, Jamaica, Londonderry, and Weston.

Each month kicks off with a meal being offered by The Hub at Weston on every First Tuesday, beginning June 6. The Hub is the newest meal center being supported by Senior Solutions, and take-home meals will be available.

This is followed by the following partners, on this schedule:

Neighborhood Connections, Londonderry – Second Tuesdays

Jamaica Community Church, Jamaica – Second Thursdays

Winhall Community Arts Center, Bondville – Third Thursdays

Second Congregational Church, Londonderry – Fourth Thursdays


Need a Ride to any of these meals?  Call Neighborhood Connections (in advance) at 824-4343 and ask for a free ride on their modern, accessible “Mountain Town Connector” Van!