Board Member Profiles

Our board of directors represent the expertise, diversity, and leadership needed to support to ensure Senior Solutions achieves its mission and objectives effectively. We want to highlight our board member’s qualifications, experience, and contributions to our organization.

Teresa Volta

Teresa Volta, born in Sarasota, Florida and moved to Springfield when she was 4. She has worked for the RSVP program (senior volunteer) for 30 years. Fun fact? She has been skydiving and it was an amazing experience. Teresa joined the board in 2019 and is currently our interim Board President.

Why did you join our board?
Teresa joined the board in Fall 2019, when the previous Executive Director asked her to join. She had never been on a board before and felt that she could share the resources and experiences she learned over the years, as well as a good opportunity to learn about the role of a board and board governance. COVID threw things for a loop and changed how things were done – the board met online, and operations changed dramatically. Currently she is the interim board president and is enjoying this role.

Why should someone serve on a board?
We are actively recruiting new members. Teresa serves on the board because she sees that services for older adults are not always the focus of government and social service agencies but are so critical for our community. Everyone is getting older or has older parents and needs to be aware of services. By joining our board, people have the opportunity to share skills. All you need is a willingness to serve and support the community and have a curiosity about how organizations work. Great way to make connections in the community, meet new people, learn from others on the board who have a variety of experiences and expertise.

What is the biggest issue facing seniors in our community?
Unfortunately, senior services are not well-funded. Prescription drugs, health insurance, housing, etc.  Social isolation and loneliness and lack of accessible transportation in our rural area make things especially challenging.

What do you see as the best thing about being a senior in our community?
Lots of places accommodate seniors and there are a lot of ways people can connect.

Beth Spicer

Beth Spicer joined our board in 2021. She currently lives in Westminster West. She is the Chair of Advisory Council. She is a retired public guardian; a position she held for almost 20 years. Fun fact – Beth is a rower and rows both single and double sculls. She also plays in a string band.

Why did you join our board?
Beth graduated from Marlboro College in 1980 and became an “advocate for elders” (which has now developed into the current case manager position) for the Council on Aging for 8 years. She opened an Adult Day Center (The Gathering Place) in 1989. Beth joined the Advisory Council in spring of 2021. In the Fall of 2021, the Advisory Council needed a new chair, so she became chair and joined the board! Beth has always done work with elders – everything from Meals on Wheels volunteering to opening the Gathering Place in Brattleboro. This has been a great chance for her to contribute to our community.

Why should someone serve on a board?
Beth has always loved working with older people, and joining the board has been such a rewarding experience. She has always wanted to know what was happening more broadly in our region. Senior Solutions provides critical services and does such important work. Seniors are encouraged to be as independent as possible. It is an honor to be on the board. The need for this organization is only going to increase with aging population growing.

What is the biggest issue facing seniors in our community?
Because people are living longer, the biggest issues are housing, transportation, isolation, access to services. Families are not as close geographically, so seniors rely on social service agencies to address their needs. The rural nature of our population means our services are even more important.

What is the best thing about being a senior in our community?
Seniors have the experience, wisdom, and history to become key figures in our communities. Now that we have time to give back, it is great to see so many opportunities for seniors to have a meaningful impact.  Seniors are more comfortable in our own skin and can really contribute to the community.

Elizabeth Austin

Elizbeth Austin joined our board in 2023. She has an MS Health Care Administration and is currently the Executive Director at Good Neighbor Health Clinic in White River Junction. She  is a military spouse and lives in Enfield, New Hampshire with her husband and Winston the chocolate lab. Elizabeth loves gardening and is currently expanding her crops to include a cranberry bog.

Why did you join our board?
Elizabeth joined our board because she knows our work makes the difference in lives of seniors across all 46 communities in our catchment area. She knows our work keeps older Vermonters healthy, connected, and supported as they age.  Elizabeth  understands that Senior Solutions also provides crucial support to caretakers who are often an afterthought in a care plan..

Why should someone serve on a board?
Elizabeth believes serving on a board is an honor, and is dedicated to our cause and mission. “We are all going to need these services as we age, and it’s important that many voices are represented on our board. Our community has diverse needs and having diversity on the board is critical.  

What is the biggest issue facing seniors in our community?
Seniors are increasingly facing more loneliness and isolation. Some would say it is an epidemic. Vermont has changed dramatically over the years from when these older Vermonter have grown up, becoming older, more rural, and less connected.  Senior Solutions focuses on keeping and improving connections and ensuring our seniors get the services and care they need not just to survive, but thrive.

What is the best thing about being a senior in our community?
Our community provides lots of places for seniors to come together and combat isolation. There are places for caretakers to come together to share experiences and resources. Senior Solutions allows older Vermonters to be respected and honored and age with dignity. It is impressive and important. Not many places have this kind of excellent service. Elizabeth is proud to be a part of it.