Senior Solutions HelpLine Assistance

The Senior Solutions HelpLine is the easiest, fastest way to connect with us. Our toll-free number is 800-642-5119 or 802-885-2669.

Our friendly, highly trained staff will listen carefully, answer your questions, and help plan your future. They’ll help you apply for benefits and refer you to invaluable resources.  If you are struggling through a short-term difficulty, we’ll see you through until long-term support arrangements can be made. 

Our HelpLine is a participating member of the Vermont Aging and Disability Resource Connection, a collaboration among trusted, consumer-centered, nonprofit organizations. Every phone call you make is confidential. For one-stop shopping for services, call weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Or, after hours, leave a voice message and we’ll get back to you within three working days.

The HelpLine is not an emergency call center. If you need emergency assistance, call 911.

Do you work with clients in need of services? Fill out this referral form and your client will receive a call from us to determine what they might be eligible for.