Statewide Vaccine Campaign, Collaboration

| Senior Solutions News

Collaborative Video

In April 2021, we learned that the federal Administration for Community Living had allotted $250,000 to Vermont for marketing aimed at closing the gap in vaccinations. The five Area Agencies on Aging serving Vermont pooled the money and hired a marketing firm to produce written, graphic, and video materials to help encourage older Vermonters to continue to get vaccinated. Ads produced by this firm ran in local newspapers, on the radio, and on local TV stations. In August, they chose to come to southeastern Vermont to film testimonials from older Vermonters in our region. The three people featured in the final video are from our Home Visitor Programs: Senior Companion Elizabeth Cole, Friendly Visitor Melissa MacKenzie, and Vet to Vet volunteer Jack Greene. Hopefully, their endorsements about the importance of inoculation will help motivate more people to get vaccinated. Please check the video here  to watch the Covid-19 Vaccine promotion video.

This is just one of the article found inside Senior Solutions’ Annual Report. Take a look and see what other programs are helping our older Vermonters age successfully.

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